Laboratory grade plastic pH strips in durable and easy to open flip-top vialsEasy-to-use — simply dip strip in solution to be tested and match to color chart immediatelySingle color match with full 0.5 in. (1.27cm) matching area for quick and accurate matchesFlip-top vial stays closed when dropped, ..
Four-inch strips prepared from standard population suspension of Aeobacillus stearothermophilus and Bacillus atrophaeus (globigii) obtained from the American Type Culture CollectionSurvival and kill standards comply with specifications M1L-S-36586 and satisfy USP requirements..
Four-inch strips prepared from standard population suspension of Aeobacillus stearothermophilus and Bacillus atrophaeus (globigii) obtained from the American Type Culture CollectionSurvival and kill standards comply with specifications M1L-S-36586 and satisfy USP requirements..